
Body Contouring After Massive Weight Loss (Post-Bariatric)

Beverly Hills • Palm Springs
Beverly Hills • Palm Springs
DR Andrew j. HAYDUKE

Surgical body contouring following major weight loss removes some of the excess sagging skin and fat while improving the shape of the underlying support tissue. The result is a more normal appearance with smoother more attractive contours.

Dramatic weight loss has many health benefits. But after weight reduction surgery, or any substantial amount of weight loss (by simple diet and exercise), the skin and tissues often lack the elasticity to conform to the dramatically reduced new body size. Significant sagging may occur throughout the entire body.

Body contouring procedures after massive weight loss may include:

lower body lift surgery

lower body lift

INNER (MEDIAL) Thigh Lift: for sagging of the inner, outer and mid thigh

thigh lift

ARM LIFT: for sagging of the upper arms

arm lift

Body contouring surgery after massive weight loss has become a popular aspect of Dr. Hayduke’s practice ever since the popularity of bariatric weight loss surgery has blossomed across the United States. During your private consultation with Dr. Hayduke, your customized body contouring surgical plan will be developed. Many clients require a staged approached (with several separate operative sessions) to achieve their ultimate body contouring goals.  Stabilization of weight loss for at least 6 months is recommended before considering any body contouring surgery.

Board Certification/Memberships


Beverly Hills
444 N Camden Dr
Epione Building
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
310 - 288 - 1711
Beverly Hills
39000 Bob Hope Dr
Eisen Med Ctr Kiewit 206
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
760 - 341 - 6996